Children's Place at the Plaza is a non-profit organization that offers infant, toddler, and preschool programs and is a warm, friendly place where children grow in wisdom, compassion, and creative curiosity.
We are open Monday to Friday from 7:00am to 5:30pm.
- Curriculum
At Children's Place at the Plaza, we recognize that 75% of brain growth, intellect, personality, and social skills happens before the age five. We also recognize that children need to learn through a developmentally appropriate program. That is why we implement the Creative Curriculum in all of our programs.
- Staff
We have a highly qualified and experienced team of professional educators. Our teachers provide programs full of learning opportunities and loving care that children need to reach their full potential. Our teachers meet the education and experience/background requirements established by the NYS Office of Children and Family Services.
- Location
We are located in the Empire State Plaza, where many state offices are also located. Just minutes from Washington Park and the New York State Museum, we utilize these resources to help our children learn through their environment while having fun and letting their creativity grow.
Click HERE to download our brochure.